Sad to say but there are plenty of people out there who are more interested in making a living out of chess rather than trying to teach our children this wonderful game. To start off with, find a local club that is set up for children (I know that's not easy and doesn't have to be us) and if they charge more than a £1 or 2 for a couple of hours chess then walk away. They're only in it for the money. The same goes for private tuition. Don't go down this route until you are really sure that your child actually wants to do it and they show some aptitude for the game. In this part of the country if you are being asked for more than £20 per hour then again walk away. Whilst there is some research that shows that playing chess helps with school work the same research shows that the benefit tails off quite quickly once you stop playing regularly so don't be fooled into thinking this "investment" will help them get into a better school.